How Does Cold Weather Affect Asphalt?

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We are well into the cold weather season, and with it comes the joy of a cold day enjoying sweater weather and hot cocoa—but it also brings a host of problems. And one of the biggest problems one can experience is pavement damage due to the cold. Wondering what possible effects it has? Continue reading to learn more.

How Cold Is Too Cold for Asphalt Paving?

The real problem with temperature is how it affects our capacity to adequately compact the asphalt before it cools down. As a general rule, if the surrounding temperature is between 40 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit, a thin, 1.5-inch layer of asphalt needs to be completely compacted within 16 minutes of its application.

Hot mix asphalt should be between 275 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit when it is delivered to a job site. When first applied, the asphalt should still be between 220 and 290 degrees Fahrenheit. Before compaction is finished, if the asphalt temperature falls below about 185 degrees Fahrenheit, its consistency stiffens up too much to do the job properly.

Although Tennessee and Mississippi can get cold, we don’t typically experience the extreme lows that other parts of the country do. At Tristar Paving, we are masters at organizing projects and working quickly to ensure that we are laying asphalt in the best conditions to produce appealing, trustworthy results.

Asphalt’s Real Enemy Is Wet Weather

Asphalt can be damaged by hail, snow, and freezing rain, which are all associated with cold winter weather. Porous asphalt is a brand-new kind of asphalt that lets water pass through it. Roads are now safer to use and more environmentally friendly thanks to this development in asphalt technology. This kind of road can stop flooding and replenish nearby water tables. Porous asphalt can function through up to 70% of precipitation annually, making it more environmentally friendly and highly functional in wet conditions.

Preventing Damage While Paving in Cold Weather

Making sure your asphalt driveway is sealed every few years is the best defense against cold weather damage. By doing this, the surface layer will consistently receive protection from the elements. It protects asphalt from extreme hot or cold temperatures and restricts the amount of water that can seep in. Additionally, you need to be diligent about patching up holes and cracks as soon as they appear. Your home will look better from the outside and drivers and pedestrians will feel safer using a seamless driveway. Unfixed cracks and holes can grow larger when water seeps in and freezes, expanding and escalating the damage.

Asphalt can be damaged by Mother Nature and become unusable as a result of cracks and potholes. Professional guidance and appropriate installation are essential for preserving asphalt’s integrity over the years. Tristar Paving provides quality asphalt maintenance service. Call us right away for a quote so you can keep your asphalt in top condition and don’t put off repairs because the weather has gotten colder.